Linguists Signup

Linguists Signup

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Signup Linguist Info

Thank you for signing up with LinguistLink. You have been invited to create a profile on our site. 

How LinguistLink Works

LinguistLink is a project request system. But, it's more than that. This system allows Linguists, Project Managers, and Clients to come together in one space to collaborate on translation, interpretation, or any project relating to language access. Here are a few tips to get the most out of the system once you set up your account:

1.  Check the help site frequently. 

Learn about using the system and learn how to improve your skills. You will also receive a monthly newsletter.

2. Complete your profile

You must have a complete profile in order to connect directly with our clients. This includes completing the information on the form on this page, as well as a professional photo. Please include as much information as you can in your bio, including, what languages you know, what tools you have used, and what subject matter you are familiar with.

3. Qualify for services

Your admin will assign services that you can support to your profile. Check with your admin to see how to qualify.

4. Be responsive

Check back frequently when project requests come through. Your clients will appreciate your responsiveness.